Tuesday, 4 January 2011

the best is yet to come

i apologise for the lack of posts recently, christmas is just so busy! i'm supposed to be back at college today but i'm still dying from that lovely flu-ey thing that everyone's had. it's quite handy really; i've been working almost everyday, and the only days i've had off have been christmas day, the 29th, when i saw family, and new years day... and no-one wants to do coursework on new years day, do they? so that leaves today, and as my coursework needs to be handed in tomorrow (well, today really...) i thought i better do some.
i have however just realised that much of the stuff i need is saved on the macs at college. not at home.
bugger. looks like i'll be dragging myself in tomorrow...

i'm booking my tattoo when i get paid! woooooooo

i'm getting the kids in glass houses lyrics above (but in a nicer font, i'm sure the tattoo artists can do a better job than microsoft word.)
very very excited!

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