Thursday, 21 April 2011


as usual, i've done almost no coursework over the holidays. one day i will learn not to do this.

in my defence, i have started. i spent 3 hours cutting one lino print (an hour of this was spent drawing it, cutting it, then realising i hadn't done the text in reverse so it wouldn't print the right way round. then i spent half an hour in a strop before having to start again. then i realised i didn't have any proper ink or a roller or anything so i couldn't even print the fucking thing. ohhhhhhh the anger.) 
so all i could really do at home is research. without a mac or any decent programs on the laptop i've had for five years, which is missing several buttons and takes approximately 72 hours to turn on, i can't even do any design work other than rubbish sketches.

i also have another excuse in the form of me being horribly ill for the last couple of days.
i fell asleep in the sun and got a bit of heat stroke. the first day i sunbathe and that bloody happens. bloody typical.
i went to the alex, had one and a half drinks, walked to the station, felt like i was going to pass out, was violently sick in an alleyway, came home, was sick about 10 times, slept for 18 hours, was sick again. lovely.
also, i googled heat stroke and scared myself shitless. the first thing that came up was "Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition" brilliant.
i'm alright now though. a bit scared to go out in sunlight though...

my tutor will not be happy i've done (almost) no work.
even though i could have died.

Friday, 1 April 2011

idioms for dummies.

i finally know what i'm doing for my fmp!

language/idioms/typography/print/info graphics

writing my statement of intent when i still didn't have a firm idea nearly killed me but i managed to make it through.
i'm quite excited about doing it, now i know what i'm doing. prepare yourselves for printed tshirts and bags etc.
i may even try and sell them to earn some money ;D

i've also had conditional offers from nuca and maidstone.
and i bought a henry holland dress for £11 and a playsuit for £3.
and anchorman for £3.
and some mini eggs.

basically, life is good today.